First Call for Papers
Rapid technical advances in Medical Imaging, including its growing applications to drug, gene therapy, and invasive/interventional procedures, as well as a fusional development of the protein science, imaging modalities, and nano-technological devices, have attracted significant interests in recent years. This is motivated by the clinical and basic science research requirement of obtaining more detailed physiological and pathological information of the body for establishing localized genesis and progression of diseases. Current research is also motivated by the fact that medical imaging is increasingly moving from a primarily diagnostic modality towards a therapeutic and interventional aid, driven by streamlining the diagnostic and therapeutic processes for human diseases by means of imaging modalities and robotic assisted surgery.
The aim of MIAR is to bring together researchers in computer vision, graphics, robotics, and medical imaging to present the state-of-the-art developments in this ever-growing research area. We also encourage a broad interpretation of the field: from macroscopic to molecular imaging, passing the information on to scientists and engineers to develop breakthrough therapeutics, diagnostics, and medical devices, which can then be seamlessly delivered back to patients.
The 5th International Workshop on Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality, MIAR 2013, will be held on September 21-22, 2013, in Nagoya, Japan. Details of conference venue, paper submission, registration, and previous MIAR meeting can be found
The meeting will consist of a single track of oral/poster presentations. Papers presenting original research in the following research topics are being sought.

Submission of Papers:
MIAR 2013 proceedings will be published as a volume in the Springer
Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS) series. We
invite electronic submissions for MIAR 2013 (LNCS style) of 8-page (up to
10-page) papers for oral or poster presentation.
Please refer to the
Springer website for detailed instructions. Papers will be
reviewed by members of the program review committee and assessed for quality
and best means of presentation. Further informations
are available on the conference website
paper submissions.

Deadline for paper submission:
June 3, 2013 (23:59 PST)
Notification of acceptance/rejection: June 25, 2013
Submission of final accepted paper: July 5, 2013
Deadline for registration (preseinting author): July 22, 2013
Deadline for early registration: July 22, 2013
Workshop and event: September 21-22, 2013